Friday, 14 February 2025

Two more proto-poems

 Another useful early morning session with Marjorie Lotfi's Substack writing group.

First prompt: describe yourself using things that you love (Ways to Love Myself)

Why does the wind soughing through the trees

sound like the waves lapping at the shore;

the sound of a flock of birds taking off from the sand,

a flick of pages from a book 

that was constantly in my hand,

you couldn't prise it from me 

as I sought to glean words and meaning from the world around me.

Second prompt: losing yourself 

When I lost myself

it was not because I was trying so hard to be something I was not,

but rather something that I thought I should be.

No one explicitly told me,

You must do this,

This is how it should be;

I drifted along,

following the pull of the tide

but always a bit asklant,

never quite sure,

if this was the way it was supposed to go.

And I lost myself, somewhere in the ebb and flow of the world.

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